Wednesday, December 27, 2017

This Here Blog~

Sigh.  It's a challenge to maintain a regular blog.  Not sure if I really have it in me.
There's simply too much I'm doing all at once.  Too much going on and not enough
going on- which I have already said, but true.  I need a workshop of Me's.  There's
always the option to just drop all plans and go sit by the river and whistle and whiddle a
stick and twiddle thumbs and pleasantly drink in the flowing sights and not give too much
of a darn- just simple survival and knowing when and how to laugh about it all.

Here is a link to a writing piece, Dogs of Kathmandu, published the other day in the winter issue of the L.A.- based literary journal, the Writing Disorder.  Have a looksy.

Happy New Year, Of Course

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Movie Update

I'll toss out two of these in one day since I've been gone from here for a month.

Regarding the movie production as of late, as of last night, there is NOW a "director's cut."  It's nearly 3 hours long complete with credits.  I haven't even watched it yet.  There might be an extra part I will add to it (which will only take a second to add to the edit), provided Bill will shoot it and send it to me.  We made a green screen (green bed sheet in his music store). 

There may be an abridged version for the short attention span of the masses, might shave off about 30 minutes or so, we'll see.  This still isn't even the whole story.  There's another one to make in order for the whole thing to be told.

There's always a disparity between filmmaker me and writer me.  Sounds about right.

Last month, there was a test screening of a rough version at Flags, the English Pub in Mianyang. I raced the clock to have it ready and at the 90 minute mark it went to "INTERMISSION."  But it was a long intermission, I said, because that was it for a few months.  There were no credits.  I thought about releasing that version first, no credits, just an indefinite intermission.

It made me think of Whitman's Leaves of Grass, how the original edition only contained a picture of him with no mention of his name.  There were only a ltd. amount of printings, which he self-published, but still, it found its way into reviews of prestigious publications and baffled people.  He continued to rework that and build onto it for the next 40 years until it was a bulky work, eventually putting his name on it. I like that story.

Below is a trailer with some color treatment.  I'm still figuring out how to present it, but I will try to screen it somewhere with a private link to online friends.

Merry Xmas,


FCT Trailer 2 from Red Carpet Walkin' Co. on Vimeo.

Checking in, mates~

This blog was playing hooky here recently.  The ambivalent blogger was responsible.
While craving a schedule, something like a weekly show of sorts, a regular routine is just not natural to the chaotic swirl of the blogger's disposition.  Though he loves peace and quiet more than about anything these days- no, peace and music.  It's the clock, engagements, etc. that incessant ticking and tocking of time, that race against the watch, that accompanying stress, that- it all just drops.

The blogger will now stop referring to himself in the third person and talk in his normal vernacular voice- perhaps normal abnormal voice.  Yes, it's me. I'm writing. About 3 times or more I've gone for it: a weekly spot with consistency. Yes, I love that addictive reliability of something like a daily comic strip or nightly or weekly anything, but there will inevitably come a point in time when I won't know what time it is, or even what day of the week it is, and I'll be so wrapped up in something at that given moment that I actually just completely forget all about it, until later.

There are no deadlines unto myself, so why make them?  There will be plenty of schedules to adhere to without my own doing myself in.  Tickets, though, airplanes, buses, trains, etc., I always make them in time.

A blog, though, is a wonderful electronic public journal.  I want to be everywhere always and yet don't want to be anywhere at any given time nor hardly have many people know where I am sometimes.  I don't want to cage my words, actions or thoughts into a time slot, yet there is a coziness there that I appreciate... I want an audience across the world yet I want solitude, too.  Cognitive dissonance, ha.

What is the point in this blog is somewhat like asking what is the point in life.  That question didn't even end in a question mark, was that question even a question, or more likely, a rhetorical one.
It's true that the blogger of Notes From The Studonym (Stew-donym) has a proclivity and affinity for nonsense, yet also digs straightforward direct prose.

The colors of the spectrum look good together.

Frankly, it is about time.  There is too much to keep up with- doing it all is a great nearly impossible juggling act and so it's bound to topple over and frequently, so the only thing is just to keep picking up the tricks when they spill and seeing how long you can prolong.

I'm just trying to figure out a blueprint for this blog that would work.  Right now, I'm thinking I'm keeping it going as a weekly thing again, still (somewhere around a Tuesday and a Wednesday) but will probably disappear on a sabbatical of sorts for some weeks here and there throughout the year.  We'll see how many of these I do next year- I'm making the rules for it, anyway.

Happy Holidaze Around the Globe! 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A Reasonable Request~

This is regarding a situation that happened in the summertime.  There was no mailing address for United Airlines listed online, and the website only had a customer care message box where no one replied.  I told myself I would avoid flying with them as much as possible from here on out, but I came across a good deal and decided to take it, knowing I could speak to an agent in person at the checkout counter.  She told me they had no mailing address for letters and that it usually takes them 90 days or so to respond. The 90 days is almost up.
        My insider told me the best thing to do regarding any issue is to post it, tweet it, etc. because they will want to clear up the bad press.  If anyone has any similar story or agrees with me, feel free to comment or forward this along.  If this is remedied, it will be updated.
        Fight it all one step at a time.


Dear United Airlines,

            RE:  eTicket #:  0168600919051
            I am writing in regards to an airline ticket that was purchased by Wei Lin from Mianyang, China.  This is concerning Flight UA5478  from Los Angeles to San Francisco on 8-1-17, which then boarded on 8-2-17 from San Francisco to Chengdu, China on Flight UA9.  There was a 13 hour layover in San Francisco and since we had traveled the west coast, we thought it much easier for her to simply board the plane in San Francisco and return straight to Chengdu, China.
            However, she was charged $360.82 to change the ticket. She had called ahead to notify the airline not to cancel her ticket if she didn’t board in L.A.  She had already purchased the ticket, and we believe this was not a cancellation or a change that merited the charge fee.  This was a quick and effortless fix on behalf of the airline, and then there would have been an open seat available for sale from Los Angeles to San Francisco.  After she was charged the fee, it only took the sales agent less than a minute to make the necessary correction.
             I hope that you will agree with me that, in all fairness, this circumstance should have been deemed negligible and that the charge should have been inapplicable.   Everyone I have informed of this situation feels strongly the same way.    Therefore, I am requesting that this fee of  $360 be reimbursed.  That would be tremendously appreciated.  Is the airline willing to reimburse the fee of $360, please? 
            In this envelope, I have included a copy of the receipt.
            I look forward to hearing your response.


            Brett Horton

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Just a Quick Note

Left Chengdu, China at 7:20 pm, Sunday, Nov. 12th,
arrived in Los Angeles, USA at 7:30 pm, Sunday, Nov. 12th

Haven't been on the computer all that much lately.
A lot has happened and not much at all.  More soon. 🎵

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


This has slipped my mind as of late, as I'm preparing for a test screening.
Now, I will read and sleep and possibly update this very post on the morrow.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Somehow, This Happened:

A serendipitous day.  On a whim, with the common aphorism about insanity in mind, about,"Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result," there was no reason for something to work that never had before, but it was for some reason attempted again, and it was successful.  This is in regards to a PC-partitioned external hard drive cooperating fully with a Mac, which it did.  It could both export and import, and this was a pleasant surprise. There must have been some application discreetly installed that also happened to facilitate this.
          Then, a helpful fellow from Ireland immediately showed up at the perfect time (when another issue of compatibility had presented itself, and the next step remained to be seen) to offer technical assistance with a much-needed program that is not in the hands of every ordinary layman.

          The official terminology of this is a teaser. Here is Teaser # 2:


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Typos and Trailers~

Recently, I noticed that my original published book, Two Too Deep Fools, is now out of print.  That's OK with me for I've been hatching a plan to publish a 2nd edition with a different company, with a different cover, and perhaps a color version, as well, as the original manuscript has much color in it and is a bigger size.  So maybe two new versions including a smaller, black and white more economical copy.
           That version had a very significant typo, in my opinion, a typo that detracted from the meaning- I mean, it was so much about wordplay, in the first place.  Even when I proofread it many times and insisted on new versions, somehow, this typo still occurred.  Fateful typo.  I foresaw typos happening against my will and my perfectionist side even dealt with this by a form of psychoanalysis in a piece in the very same book:  "typo's all right."
             I saw some typos here in this blog and went back to revise, then hunted another one for a while but it eluded me.  I shouldn't care so much. Formatting is a bitch. 
            Speaking of words, I'll revisit earlier writings now and then and come across something that has an idea that is buried, yet there was something there when it was written, arrived at through the labyrinth, and it is still there, yet has somewhat hidden itself even to me.  Usually, I can make it resurface and reveal itself.  I can still be cryptic to this day, but through the years I've also amassed a style that is much more straightforward. Plain talking prose.  I just like to mix the ingredients and experiment like making word soup.  That goes for other mediums, too.
            Speaking of soup, tonight I believe I will experiment with some potato soup.
            Below is the next trailer.  Very busy been I do this.  (Like when I'm learning a language and mixing up the grammar, as yet unlearned of the grammar rules, but they still understand)

Trailer 3 from Red Carpet Walkin' Co. on Vimeo.

Monday, October 9, 2017

New Movie Coming Soon (er or Later) To a Screen Near You

I'm happy to say that there is a new feature-length movie that I have produced by my own Red Carpet Walkin' Co. entitled the Fortune Cookie Teller.  It is part of the Alexander Anonymous canon, which is really just a nom de plume for yours truly, I'll admit.
       It's not claiming to be a conventional movie by any means, so I highly suspect it's not for just anyone- that brings to my recollection Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf-

"..So that's it, thought I. They've disfigured this good old wall with an electric sign. Meanwhile I deciphered one or two of the letters as they appeared again for an instant; but they were hard to read even by guess work, for they came with very irregular spaces between them and very faintly, and then abruptly vanished. Whoever hoped for any result from a display like that was not very smart. He was a Steppenwolf, poor fellow. Why have his letters playing on this old wall in the darkest alley of the Old Town on a wet night with not a soul passing by, and why were they so fleeting, so fitful and illegible? But wait, at last I succeeded in catching several words on end. They were:
I tried to open the door, but the heavy old latch would not stir. The display too was over. It had suddenly ceased, sadly convinced of its uselessness. I took a few steps back, landing deep into the mud, but no more letters came. The display was over. For a long time I stood waiting in the mud, but in vain. Then, when I had given up and gone back to the alley, a few colored letters were dropped here and there, reflected on the asphalt in front of me. I read:
      Hopefully, my movie is something more than just madmen can enjoy, or if not, hopefully it's the good kind of madmen.  It looks like there will be a few test screenings soon, in the city of Mianyang, where it was mostly filmed.  It is still going through some of the editing process and little bits are still being filmed, but a rough cut should be done by the end of the month.
         In other news, I saw the absurd story of McDonald's and Rick and Morty and the super limited edition Szechuan dipping sauce. Anyone else see that?  The obsessed cartoon fans crowded McDonald's around America and threw a fit when Micky D's ran out of the sauce to the point where police were called.  Szechuan is the Cantonese spelling of Sichuan, which is the province where I spend time at in China.  There's plenty of McDonald's here. I wonder if they have any of that sauce?
         I made several teasers and trailers for the movie last week, and I'll post them eventually, but right here is the first little sneak peak:


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The New Old West~

       Horrific things are always happening and it's the same vicious cycle, the same rhetoric.  Good people empathize all around, but it continues.  The thing is, these attacks don't surprise me anymore, nor have they in a long time.  It's a commonplace occurrence in the USA, which is a tremendously terrible thing.  It's gotten to the point where one has heard the news so many times they can find themselves remotely detached, even finding themselves growing calloused.
        When I heard the news, I reacted with no surprise- it's when I found out the extent of this one, some actual surprise set in.  I dislike the majority of the news and don't really want to be a news commentator here on this blog- everyone everywhere is already always commenting about everything- trying to say something- something that seems futile- and I couldn't say it any better or find another point to make, so I will often stay silent on the matter, at least in the social media world- it's already flooding.  Instead I just read and read and think and think.  I don't feel like speaking without some action to back it up... and that leaves you wondering what you could possibly change. 
          Really, it must be worse than the Old West, seeing as how they didn't have automatic rifles back then.  I'm sick of so much of this shit everywhere, needless to say.  For the longest time, I walk down American (USA) streets with my eyes peeled, watching my back, half-ready to duck at the last second.  Watching the cars that pull around the corner when I'm one of the few walkers on the street.  It's a non-stop war, and I carry no gun.  Certainly it's not on my mind all of the time, because many Americans are peace-loving, but it still will cross my mind it's quite a possibility that I will catch a stray bullet somewhere.  So if politicians with hollow prayers aren't going to protect you, keep up your guard.
          And where are all of these 2nd amendment gun-toting heroes protecting everyone when the psychopaths break loose?  And the media... spreading the killers' faces and giving them the fame they desired- they should lay lower on the pictures.
         I feel more unsafe walking the streets in the USA than most any other country.
         This is a recent chart just drawing you a picture plain as day.
         This surely isn't what I felt like blogging about but when I checked the news and scrolled the feeds the whole world is just absorbed in this, so I didn't feel like going on about something else and changing the subject.
        Surely, there is something to do.  There's ALWAYS something to do or say: whether it's effective or not.  It's more than doing nothing, though.  This country should probably take a clue from Australia.
        And in other breaking news, RIP Tom Petty.  I'm not claiming I grew up with his albums in my collection but I always thought he was cool and, yes, I was prompted to jam him tonight on the occasion of his passing.  So many classics, really, and I bet I will be exploring it more, even if it took me til now.  I don't think any musician is going to object to you playing their songs through the air on the day they go.  We all want that, eventually.
        Below is a petition, whatever it can do, and now I will leave this blog silent until next week...


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Season Is Changing~

Yet again.

Tired on a Tuesday.  Hangover Day 2.  A Hangover's hangover.
Resting.  Recupe.  Water.  Working while supine (not what it sounds like)
Jet lag/ Lag jet.  Laptop becomes a bellytop.  It's all a balancing act.
These are the words of the day.

On the wagon.  Productive times are here.

Very busy on something which I will reveal soon.  It is about to be unveiled
and I will explain more before long.

In the meantime, cheerio and here's another song for ya:

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Public Diary~

       This here is my public diary for those who have braved the binary labyrinth and arrived here deep in this well-hidden chamber.  This is mainly for kicks, I suppose, yet also serves a purpose at times and sometimes its purpose is kicks.  I assure you my real journal is juicier and much more an in-depth narrative, but that is something that also goes in phases.  Sometimes a long run, sometimes closed and unwritten for long epochs.
        The blog has been calling my name again lately, and I have heeded its call.  Let's see how long I can keep up a weekly date. Lord knows I've tried these things a few times before and surfed it a while until I wiped out.  I am probably the worst person I've ever met at keeping a regular routine, but surely I can get something aligned, right?
         Officially, though, I have never really met myself, at least not like other people meet me, right?  Just in the mirror and on screen... I've never seen myself in real life other than reflection and photography.  That's something I contemplate sometimes.
         I certainly go off on tangents and scenic detours others don't notice (though others definitely notice things that I don't.)
         Part of me craves being in the public eye on the stage, on the screen, a weekly hello and reach out across the world and another part of me wants to be quiet and private and unknown, full of inner life, like a tree in the middle of a forest.
         The first time this blog was derailed was when I lived in the middle of a rain forest in Alaska.  The Tongass rain forest.  There was no internet.  Just real spiders with large webs in the corners of cabins. Eventually, I got the web rigged up out there, but it was slow, and I lost my stride.  I picked it back up, then I ended up in China with its "Great Firewall."  Facebook, Youtube, etc. blocked and then finally all of Google.  How frustrating it is.  That first trip I didn't dabble with a VPN (Virtual Private Network), like almost all foreigners do, and I was just disconnected from it all.  It was kind of nice being a virtual hermit, but next round, I sure as hell got one.
          Right now, I'm feeling this sometime usually between a Tuesday and Wednesday.
          And now, I'd like to introduce you to some friends of mine.  Ladies and gentlemen... !



Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Keeping You Posted~

            Today, I am yet again in San Francisco, where I play a show tomorrow at the Hotel Utah, Sept. 13th, 7:30 pm.  Looking forward to it as I love that venue.  My connecting flight in Minneapolis gave me little time- I found a $20 bill on the ground and told a gate checker. She said, "It's yours now and gave me a wink." Finder's keepers.  Thought it was my lucky day.  Thought about asking some of the people sitting over at their gate a ways over, then thought, let me check my flight real quick.  I only had 20 minutes and had to go to F8 in another concourse, take the skytrain.  That was no time at all- maybe it wasn't my lucky day, after all.  I walked faster than everyone, even nearly sprinting for a half-second, but I watched my watch and just walked faster.
            "You gave me no time at all," I told the gatekeeper.  "I just got here."
            "That's part of the Delta exercise program," he joshed me and closed the door right behind me.
            The flight took off, and I watched a documentary about the behind-the-scenes struggles of stand-up comedians called Dying Laughing (a great doc, btw).  It was still my lucky day.

             Continuing the earlier motif concerning fliers, here's some below:

                This one below is the final flier for the last show, which only came out at the last minute due to technical difficulties.  My friend put it together, so Mario and I might reuse this next time- or retake it on another day- or who knows what we'll do.

                  These below are proof that I am not the cream of the crop at the promo game, as these are now several years old.  This summer, I handed out what I thought was the last one and thought "I am finally done with all of these cheapo, flimsy paper, mini-handbills I made ages ago!"  Then, back in Oklahoma, I ran across two more stacks.  One was curled up and ruined, so I tossed them, but there's this one, still.  
                 My economical idea was to put 10 on a page and print 100 regular black and white copies at the local Kinko's.  It was just 10 cents a copy and with 10 on each page and 100 copies made, there were 1000 tiny fliers made for just 10 bucks.  
                In fact, he may have been pulling my leg, but I handed one to a fellow in SF once, and he said, "I never look at these things, but since this one is just SO blatantly crappy it actually makes me want to look at it!"  
                 Being an indie musician, you will sometimes find yourself having to dicker with your own promo, whether you like it or not, and if you don't like talking about yourself all that much (I often prefer to talk to myself in private with my notebooks;) then... well, what do you do?  I'm of the opinion now that promo should just be part of your art and have fun with it.  
                These italics were used in reference to the photographs, but they just kept on going (thoughts in parentheses in italics)   

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Getting On Antisocial Media~

   Getting On Antisocial Media

 byline:  Alexander Anonymous

Ever since youve collected hundreds of friends, you dont feel that youre as close to your actual friends anymore.  Youre not trying to be so distant.  You can say exactly what you want to say at any given time, but you dont talk to anyone as much anymore.  Its just texting and messaging, predominantly.  You happen to post some remark for many different people to see at one time, but often never just share it with the person right next to you and experience their reaction. 
         How many words some of us will type through our lifetimes now is staggering.  We are all novelists now, typing Tolstoy-length stories of our existence, albeit unconsciously, piled up with whatever we dont delete or lose.
         All the average joes and janes suddenly started acting like pseudo-celebrities, and in this day and age the real celebrities seem to be even more pseudo than them.  Its all me me me.  Attention-seeking stage hogs.  No ones listening over dinner as they fiddle with their phones.  Nobody even realizes what theyre seeing in real life because they are snapping pictures of it.  They are not in the true moment because they are busy trying to capture the moment. 
         No expert even knows how long digital files will really last.  Maybe theyll last indefinitely, but maybe theyll be gone in a few decades.  There is no basis for comparison, being a new technology.  You know many a person, including yourself, who has had an external hard drive crash, and all is lost, even in the process of taking that into account and trying to make a back-up.  Nothing beats hard copies in a safe, dry storage spot.
         You wont straight out backstab social media, though, because, honestly, you love it, many aspects of it, anyway, but it is like a drug, with harmful side effects.  For one, it can distract you tenfold.  An example of this is how you are now straying for a minute from this oh so focused article to check your messages  And now youre back.  Just checking to see if this BBQ on the weekend is still happening, so, rather convenient, actually.
         This has definitely been scientifically studied by sociologists and psychologists and all that ilk, many times over, as all aspects have of this out-of-sync algorithm.  It boils down to this:  People arent hanging out in person quite like they used to do.  Theyre simply hanging out on a computer or phone all the time.  Everyday is a constant photo session, an attempt to connect with the world out there, which is all fine except it becomes an escapist addiction and then there is a lack of connection going on right here. 
         Another detrimental effect is low self-esteem.  Social media users can experience a negative feeling of self-worth when they constantly see others doing things which they deem to be more exciting than what they are presently doing, or when they post something and it receives very few or no comments or likes with the corny like button that most people, yourself included, are guilty of using.  Or seeing how few views their video has received and how transparently unpopular it is and how apathetic their un-audience is. That is a surefire way for someone to feel that truly no one out there in the great beyond gives a flying fuck.  They are only concerned 90% of the time with what they themselves are posting. 
          Then there are those who receive a fairly great number of positive feedback as they are somehow likely in a niche of over-obsessive smart phone users who have nothing better to do with their time than sift through this never-ending barrage, but in the scheme of a billion-some users, their numbers are teeny-tiny compared to self-righteous celebrities that so many dont care much about either.  That is less time again that they are having in real life with real friends.
           Let this essayist hasten to say, it is a fantastic way to keep in touch with friends and share things, and it can be a wad of fun, but why does everyone want to text nowadays?  Its simple.  No one wants to talk to each other that often.  The majority feels uncomfortable talking to many others, but, with messaging, they can perfect and sugarcoat a message, analyzing it from every angle before sending it, thus, losing the spontaneity and skill of conversation.  Maybe we will be even worse at talking to each other in the future.  Keep in mind that when this society talks to each other, they most likely need some sort of assistance without feeling awkward as hell, i.e. an alcoholic beverage to loosen the language.  Oh well, there can be spontaneity in writing and writing can be a beautiful art.
             It is basically an antisocial and artificial society that we exist in, and I say exist because many of us dont really live.  Is it really an antisocial plutocracy wherein the majority of us are merely just pawns?  For many- but for many others, they can resist this mold in various ways, such as using social media as an outlet. 
             Remember how many peoples families and friends have been transported away in a scattered mess due to jobs or the briberies of higher education in this era of post-industrialization, and then you realize how lonely indeed the modern person is, and can see why everyone strives to reach some out-of-reach connection in this frenzied social media age.  There are towns with no real communities.  Everyone has been sacrificed around the world in the name of Progress and are either propping up or attempting to become the Elite.  Our friends are gone.  The world is an antisocial place, but we are very social people.
             There are those who use social media in the attempt to bring awareness to social injustices around the world in the hopes of alleviating them.  More power to these people, but most people are just looking for a laugh.  Dont ever underestimate the importance of laughter, though.  The majority of people probably just skim over these posts and then just go on with the business of their day.
             Also, there are those who use it mainly to market themselves and their products, and there is nothing too extremely wrong with this, but many users get annoyed with these users if they seem to be solely advertising, as many people are just naturally annoyed by commercials, and this is a whole other sociological study as to the many reasons why.
              You see how it is all about money, once again, or at least a huge chunk of it is.  Lets say you are essentially just a musician who uses social media, and that is really the reason why you signed up with it in the first place, and then just got sucked in.  At first, it was just a way to share your music with people and keep up with some other underground bands that you liked.  Anyone that you considered a close friend, you would just keep in contact with through phone calls, e-mails, postal mail or ideally, in real life.  Besides, youve always considered anyone that tries to have too many close friends as spreading themselves thin.  While its good to have many friends or friendly neighbors/acquaintances and be a part of the community, it is not considered an especially valuable attribute to attempt having too many close friends, because you simply dont have the time for everyone in daily life.
               You and your band became part of Myspace, and while it was cool to post some songs up there and find you had tens of thousands of listens on the Myspace player, after a time you wanted to share some other songs but everyone was being solicited by a million other bands that day, and the new songs only posted in the hundreds, which didnt look nearly as good when the booking agents came to look at your page.  Soon after, it didnt matter, anyway, because there was a mass migration over to Facebook and no one you knew even touched Myspace anymore, and you had no idea why.
               Very frustrating, because it takes a relentless amount of time and energy constructing and maintaining one of these pages.  Therefore, for a time you were off the social media in that manner, until it began to feel like you didnt and almost never did exist at all.  A band page was reluctantly created, in part so no one else could steal the name, and then, without being proactive, it just sat there like a stagnant pond.  Ergo, the vicious cycle began.  First, the embarrassing, universal invite, which sounds more like a plea, requesting that friends in your social network like you.  Upon enough likes, you can then give your page a personal name. 
              With your immediate network, you garner a certain number, a certain percentage who will exert the extra energy to click a button, before it fizzles out.  Consequently, there is nothing left to do but either nothing or promotion or building.  This is what catches people by the balls.  If you do nothing, then you look like a nobody.  On one hand, why should a normal person really care if theyre a nobody or not?  On the other, you can be so high and mighty as not to care what the world thinks, telling yourself that image doesnt really matter, but it is an unfortunate fact that image is extremely important in the sense that it can ruin a business and a business that isnt seen at all is dead from the start.  Whether a business or a band or what-have-you, people will look at this social media page and say to themselves that there arent many likes, so the product or service must be lacking somehow, or a booking agent may see a band and think that they dont have a big enough following to be booked in their club.  In reality, however, if you think about the things you do like, what does it matter if you like the Facebook page or not?  Why should they really have a Facebook page anyway?  You like a certain band or actor, you listen to their music or watch their movies.  You couldnt care less about their Facebook page.  If you want to find out some more about them, you go to their website or read other articles.  If you want to eat Ketchup on your fries, then thats what its there for, thats what its good for.  You like it.  Why in the hell would you want to go like the brands Facebook page?
              Word of mouth and the organic manner of growth as a natural promotional tool is ideal, but people only know so many people in real life, so there has to be some sort of push.  You think you might do the tried-and-true, honest, grass roots marketing approach, then run into dead-ends.  For instance, you must first be friends with someone before you can request them to like your Facebook page.  This seems legitimate, as no one enjoys being spammed.  That leaves two choices.  You can befriend mutual friends or strangers at random who appear to have the same tastes you do, and who you think might actually appreciate what it is you are offering, but this is also ineffective.  One, Facebook blocks users from sending too many friend requests in a given time and also makes it difficult to ask people who youve never really met, as youre not supposed to do that, and many others are wary of being approached by someone online whom theyve never met and are suspicious no matter how good your profile pic looks, because especially when it comes to the internet, appearances can be deceiving.  At a certain point, you begin to feel ashamed that you have sunk to the level of nothing but a low-life hacker, and that you are so pathetic and insignificant that there is no one out there with any credibility and power that wants to help you in any way.  Then you begin to despise everyone and withdraw yourself, and all you wanted to do in the first place was just share something valuable with the world. 
                If you still havent given up, you realize the only way to reach people now, since grass roots marketing online is dead or at least greatly stigmatized, is through online advertisements.  It follows that you do an experiment and pay a certain daily amount and then you actually see your numbers begin to rise, even to shoot up.  You feel good for a moment.  Then you get the feeling that no matter how crappy your site was or who you were, if you were paying money for advertisements, thered be someone out there blindly liking it.  Also, you wonder how many of these likes are even real or if they are fraudulent, which if so, makes you fraudulent.  Even worse, you realize that you have to pay for each individual post to be boosted where those who liked your page will even be able to see it on their feed!  So you come to the conclusion that there is no point, unless you spend so much money on a daily basis that you just break even and probably not even.  Or maybe youll bank if youre lucky, but thats just like playing the lottery.  So why not just go to the casino?  Except what youre really wanting to do is just share something with others who mostly arent interested.
It all just begins to feel like some dunderheaded popularity contest, some silly competition, but the only one youre competing against seems to be yourself. 
               People make annoying posts and then you have to unfriend them, get into confusions over things that werent so advertised in the past, such as relationship statuses, the list goes on and on.  Finally, you decide youll just get drunk.  Earlier, you swore off social media for at least a good portion of the time, but when you get a good buzz you decide you want to see what everyones doing.  You thought maybe youd run into someone while you were having a drink, but no, theyre all home on their computers typing away, staring into the blue light of the screen. 
               You scroll through inane comments and some intelligent ones, too.  There actually are a lot of people you like on this thing that make posts you enjoy seeing.  You decide that life is short, shorter than ever, actually, and shorter even tomorrow, so you write to an enticing member of the opposite sex and spill your entire sack of beans.
               The next morning, hungover, you cringe at what you maybe wrote to someone and contemplate getting a breathalyzer installed on your laptop.  After hours of gathering your courage, you cant avoid the insidious feeling anymore, so you cross your fingers and check your page.  Theres no reply.  Theres too many other creeps bombasting this person.  Except youre not a creep, but how does anyone else know that?  Or maybe there is a polite reply and some flighty plan has been agreed upon, only to be disregarded at the deciding moment due to everyones multi-tasking scatterbrains.  Or maybe their reply was always intended to merely be leading on, because they get their rocks off knowing they are seen and wanted, but have no intention to ever meet anyone.  Or maybe you wrote something really malicious, but you were just joking, but they will never see it that way, and upon the rising sun, they have instigated the insurrection against you. 
                 You think it over and contemplate offing yourself from all social media.  Youve witnessed many a good man and woman who have committed Facebook hara-kiri, social media suicide.  The world wasnt always this way.  Instead, you decide on a walk through the park.  Seeing the wind causing the trees to dance to the whooshing musical sound of nature, the afternoon light playing upon the branches and leaves, you remember that life is vast, the world is infinitely alluring.  Computers only capture it in some form.  Sure, you want to write it, paint it, film it, turn it into some song or sculpture, but it is there already to behold in its endless glory, which you often forget about, seized in the grip of hurry and worry.  You just have to tell it to someone right this very instant.  There is a cafe on the corner and you must tell someone immediately, but when you get there, it is a room full of people sitting at tables, staring at their phones and laptops, wearing headphones, while the band plays on.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Passing a Note

So this is called "Notes From the Studonym", and it looks like I'm typing up a fresh note.  Not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but in case you're wondering, it's pronounced like "Stew," like "Studio," like "Stuart."  It's really just the nickname for the traveling, makeshift studio wherever I've found myself.  I liked "Makeshift Studio" but that was taken.  I told my nephew, Nick, he had a Nick name.
         "Studonym" is the pseudonym for the studio that mixes sounds like stew, like a studio with a name like "Stu-" ahh, you get the picture.  These notes are written and all about the music notes in the air and whatelse.  Whatever happens to be the whim of the Studonym, which is wherever I am. The world is a stage and the world is a studio.  This particular name started with Aaron S. and I and keeps going.  I bounce into other studios and then bring that back to my Studonym and keep working on the hymn with her, us and them-

            Progression of a Flier:


                                                                 This is the original.

                                       Then Mario joined the bill and got squeezed into this one.

                                       Then, this.  I like how our names aren't even on this one.

                                          Now, this.  Though there is another in the works, but the Photoshop machine has gone kooky.  Both of us have even disappeared from the photo at one point, so it remains to be seen what will happen next.



Monday, August 21, 2017

First Post In Many A Moon (And an Eclipse One At That)

So, yes, it's been a while since this blog has been in action. In fact, it's been a couple of years since the last post and before that, it had maybe been a few years.  I guess this blog was only really up and running for a little over a year, originally.

Minutes ago, I accidentally deleted the last post and I don't see any "Undo" button or see it in a trash can where I can go dumpster dive it.  It may be around somewhere, still, but no matter.  I was deleting incomplete drafts and somehow I got on the regular post page and mistook it for a draft.

The gist of it, anyway, was that I hadn't made a post in many a moon. In fact, this post shares the same name as the earlier one sans the eclipse bit.  It became difficult for me to keep up with regular postings, and I simply announced that I finally, after all that time, had launched my own website:

There is where you can find all things related to my music, books, art, films and
whatnot.  Prior to that launch, this blog served as a smorgasbord for all of that
and after that, the blog sort of petered out.

It proved to be too much in keeping a regular blog or any kind of online show.
While I think I would like to maintain a regular weekly schedule of some sort
of show (be it in blog form or whatever) the few times I've set out to do this,
I've failed to keep it up for long.

One reason is because I've spent a good portion of the last 4 years in China or on the go to other places.  The internet in China causes endless frustration (the Great Firewall).  Most people know how Facebook and Youtube are blocked.  It became worse when I was there, and Google was blocked- I had to get new accounts just to stay in touch with people- at this point, there are so many different accounts for so many different facets that it is truly discombobulating.  I go with what Thoreau said, "Simplify. Simplify."  What movie or show was it where someone asked the legit question, "Why did he say it twice?" haha  So I've aimed to cut down on the accounts that I regularly use.

People over there, especially foreigners, have a way of bypassing all that censorship with a VPN (if you don't know what that is, it stands for Virtual Private Network).  Eventually, I got one of those, too, but often, I was busy offline or in a place where the connection was a little slow sometimes.

Also, I've been inclined to write with a a healthy dose of solitude and isolation away from the noise and not expend my weekly energy trying to offer my every thought to public scrutiny.  Because I wanted to seek and write truth that is found in deep privacy and not everyone wants to hear the truth (I don't even know if I do sometimes).  Sometimes I love attention and the stage; other times I'm not in the mood to be on public display.

I might just bring this blog out of retirement yet- it may have been far too young to retire in the first place.  If so, I will just write the way I always do, in notebooks, keeping it to myself for as long as I want, and this will occasionally contain parts of that, or be a separate "Notes..." written to everyone the whole world wide.

That being said, I was back to this small town last night.  The word was that a solar eclipse with such totality hasn't happened this way since 1918.  All the special glasses were sold out.

I went on a walk earlier today, mindful not to stare into it, as Shawn Golnick facetiously reminded me this morning via Wechat message.  I guess I told him once how I stared at an eclipse when I was about 7 years old, and I was suspicious that is why I became so blind.

The light from the sky was dim.  It was so tempting to stare right into the eclipse, all over again.  I could sense its presence right above me in the cloudless blue sky.  The shadows looked different.  There were fingernail slits of the infinitesimal crescent sun all over the ground.  Luckily, I came across a lady and her kid who offered to loan me their NASA-certified glasses and I looked into it for a few seconds.

The driveway was full of infinite reflections of moon and sun slow-dancing together.  I was floating on a giant-small ball of rock through spacy space.

No moment comes again exactly the same unless time is a circle, which maybe it is, or if there are exact duplicates of moments somewhere out there.  How can I say for sure?