Wednesday, December 27, 2017

This Here Blog~

Sigh.  It's a challenge to maintain a regular blog.  Not sure if I really have it in me.
There's simply too much I'm doing all at once.  Too much going on and not enough
going on- which I have already said, but true.  I need a workshop of Me's.  There's
always the option to just drop all plans and go sit by the river and whistle and whiddle a
stick and twiddle thumbs and pleasantly drink in the flowing sights and not give too much
of a darn- just simple survival and knowing when and how to laugh about it all.

Here is a link to a writing piece, Dogs of Kathmandu, published the other day in the winter issue of the L.A.- based literary journal, the Writing Disorder.  Have a looksy.

Happy New Year, Of Course

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Movie Update

I'll toss out two of these in one day since I've been gone from here for a month.

Regarding the movie production as of late, as of last night, there is NOW a "director's cut."  It's nearly 3 hours long complete with credits.  I haven't even watched it yet.  There might be an extra part I will add to it (which will only take a second to add to the edit), provided Bill will shoot it and send it to me.  We made a green screen (green bed sheet in his music store). 

There may be an abridged version for the short attention span of the masses, might shave off about 30 minutes or so, we'll see.  This still isn't even the whole story.  There's another one to make in order for the whole thing to be told.

There's always a disparity between filmmaker me and writer me.  Sounds about right.

Last month, there was a test screening of a rough version at Flags, the English Pub in Mianyang. I raced the clock to have it ready and at the 90 minute mark it went to "INTERMISSION."  But it was a long intermission, I said, because that was it for a few months.  There were no credits.  I thought about releasing that version first, no credits, just an indefinite intermission.

It made me think of Whitman's Leaves of Grass, how the original edition only contained a picture of him with no mention of his name.  There were only a ltd. amount of printings, which he self-published, but still, it found its way into reviews of prestigious publications and baffled people.  He continued to rework that and build onto it for the next 40 years until it was a bulky work, eventually putting his name on it. I like that story.

Below is a trailer with some color treatment.  I'm still figuring out how to present it, but I will try to screen it somewhere with a private link to online friends.

Merry Xmas,


FCT Trailer 2 from Red Carpet Walkin' Co. on Vimeo.

Checking in, mates~

This blog was playing hooky here recently.  The ambivalent blogger was responsible.
While craving a schedule, something like a weekly show of sorts, a regular routine is just not natural to the chaotic swirl of the blogger's disposition.  Though he loves peace and quiet more than about anything these days- no, peace and music.  It's the clock, engagements, etc. that incessant ticking and tocking of time, that race against the watch, that accompanying stress, that- it all just drops.

The blogger will now stop referring to himself in the third person and talk in his normal vernacular voice- perhaps normal abnormal voice.  Yes, it's me. I'm writing. About 3 times or more I've gone for it: a weekly spot with consistency. Yes, I love that addictive reliability of something like a daily comic strip or nightly or weekly anything, but there will inevitably come a point in time when I won't know what time it is, or even what day of the week it is, and I'll be so wrapped up in something at that given moment that I actually just completely forget all about it, until later.

There are no deadlines unto myself, so why make them?  There will be plenty of schedules to adhere to without my own doing myself in.  Tickets, though, airplanes, buses, trains, etc., I always make them in time.

A blog, though, is a wonderful electronic public journal.  I want to be everywhere always and yet don't want to be anywhere at any given time nor hardly have many people know where I am sometimes.  I don't want to cage my words, actions or thoughts into a time slot, yet there is a coziness there that I appreciate... I want an audience across the world yet I want solitude, too.  Cognitive dissonance, ha.

What is the point in this blog is somewhat like asking what is the point in life.  That question didn't even end in a question mark, was that question even a question, or more likely, a rhetorical one.
It's true that the blogger of Notes From The Studonym (Stew-donym) has a proclivity and affinity for nonsense, yet also digs straightforward direct prose.

The colors of the spectrum look good together.

Frankly, it is about time.  There is too much to keep up with- doing it all is a great nearly impossible juggling act and so it's bound to topple over and frequently, so the only thing is just to keep picking up the tricks when they spill and seeing how long you can prolong.

I'm just trying to figure out a blueprint for this blog that would work.  Right now, I'm thinking I'm keeping it going as a weekly thing again, still (somewhere around a Tuesday and a Wednesday) but will probably disappear on a sabbatical of sorts for some weeks here and there throughout the year.  We'll see how many of these I do next year- I'm making the rules for it, anyway.

Happy Holidaze Around the Globe!