Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Somehow, This Happened:

A serendipitous day.  On a whim, with the common aphorism about insanity in mind, about,"Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result," there was no reason for something to work that never had before, but it was for some reason attempted again, and it was successful.  This is in regards to a PC-partitioned external hard drive cooperating fully with a Mac, which it did.  It could both export and import, and this was a pleasant surprise. There must have been some application discreetly installed that also happened to facilitate this.
          Then, a helpful fellow from Ireland immediately showed up at the perfect time (when another issue of compatibility had presented itself, and the next step remained to be seen) to offer technical assistance with a much-needed program that is not in the hands of every ordinary layman.

          The official terminology of this is a teaser. Here is Teaser # 2:


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Typos and Trailers~

Recently, I noticed that my original published book, Two Too Deep Fools, is now out of print.  That's OK with me for I've been hatching a plan to publish a 2nd edition with a different company, with a different cover, and perhaps a color version, as well, as the original manuscript has much color in it and is a bigger size.  So maybe two new versions including a smaller, black and white more economical copy.
           That version had a very significant typo, in my opinion, a typo that detracted from the meaning- I mean, it was so much about wordplay, in the first place.  Even when I proofread it many times and insisted on new versions, somehow, this typo still occurred.  Fateful typo.  I foresaw typos happening against my will and my perfectionist side even dealt with this by a form of psychoanalysis in a piece in the very same book:  "typo's all right."
             I saw some typos here in this blog and went back to revise, then hunted another one for a while but it eluded me.  I shouldn't care so much. Formatting is a bitch. 
            Speaking of words, I'll revisit earlier writings now and then and come across something that has an idea that is buried, yet there was something there when it was written, arrived at through the labyrinth, and it is still there, yet has somewhat hidden itself even to me.  Usually, I can make it resurface and reveal itself.  I can still be cryptic to this day, but through the years I've also amassed a style that is much more straightforward. Plain talking prose.  I just like to mix the ingredients and experiment like making word soup.  That goes for other mediums, too.
            Speaking of soup, tonight I believe I will experiment with some potato soup.
            Below is the next trailer.  Very busy been I do this.  (Like when I'm learning a language and mixing up the grammar, as yet unlearned of the grammar rules, but they still understand)

Trailer 3 from Red Carpet Walkin' Co. on Vimeo.

Monday, October 9, 2017

New Movie Coming Soon (er or Later) To a Screen Near You

I'm happy to say that there is a new feature-length movie that I have produced by my own Red Carpet Walkin' Co. entitled the Fortune Cookie Teller.  It is part of the Alexander Anonymous canon, which is really just a nom de plume for yours truly, I'll admit.
       It's not claiming to be a conventional movie by any means, so I highly suspect it's not for just anyone- that brings to my recollection Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf-

"..So that's it, thought I. They've disfigured this good old wall with an electric sign. Meanwhile I deciphered one or two of the letters as they appeared again for an instant; but they were hard to read even by guess work, for they came with very irregular spaces between them and very faintly, and then abruptly vanished. Whoever hoped for any result from a display like that was not very smart. He was a Steppenwolf, poor fellow. Why have his letters playing on this old wall in the darkest alley of the Old Town on a wet night with not a soul passing by, and why were they so fleeting, so fitful and illegible? But wait, at last I succeeded in catching several words on end. They were:
I tried to open the door, but the heavy old latch would not stir. The display too was over. It had suddenly ceased, sadly convinced of its uselessness. I took a few steps back, landing deep into the mud, but no more letters came. The display was over. For a long time I stood waiting in the mud, but in vain. Then, when I had given up and gone back to the alley, a few colored letters were dropped here and there, reflected on the asphalt in front of me. I read:
      Hopefully, my movie is something more than just madmen can enjoy, or if not, hopefully it's the good kind of madmen.  It looks like there will be a few test screenings soon, in the city of Mianyang, where it was mostly filmed.  It is still going through some of the editing process and little bits are still being filmed, but a rough cut should be done by the end of the month.
         In other news, I saw the absurd story of McDonald's and Rick and Morty and the super limited edition Szechuan dipping sauce. Anyone else see that?  The obsessed cartoon fans crowded McDonald's around America and threw a fit when Micky D's ran out of the sauce to the point where police were called.  Szechuan is the Cantonese spelling of Sichuan, which is the province where I spend time at in China.  There's plenty of McDonald's here. I wonder if they have any of that sauce?
         I made several teasers and trailers for the movie last week, and I'll post them eventually, but right here is the first little sneak peak:


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The New Old West~

       Horrific things are always happening and it's the same vicious cycle, the same rhetoric.  Good people empathize all around, but it continues.  The thing is, these attacks don't surprise me anymore, nor have they in a long time.  It's a commonplace occurrence in the USA, which is a tremendously terrible thing.  It's gotten to the point where one has heard the news so many times they can find themselves remotely detached, even finding themselves growing calloused.
        When I heard the news, I reacted with no surprise- it's when I found out the extent of this one, some actual surprise set in.  I dislike the majority of the news and don't really want to be a news commentator here on this blog- everyone everywhere is already always commenting about everything- trying to say something- something that seems futile- and I couldn't say it any better or find another point to make, so I will often stay silent on the matter, at least in the social media world- it's already flooding.  Instead I just read and read and think and think.  I don't feel like speaking without some action to back it up... and that leaves you wondering what you could possibly change. 
          Really, it must be worse than the Old West, seeing as how they didn't have automatic rifles back then.  I'm sick of so much of this shit everywhere, needless to say.  For the longest time, I walk down American (USA) streets with my eyes peeled, watching my back, half-ready to duck at the last second.  Watching the cars that pull around the corner when I'm one of the few walkers on the street.  It's a non-stop war, and I carry no gun.  Certainly it's not on my mind all of the time, because many Americans are peace-loving, but it still will cross my mind it's quite a possibility that I will catch a stray bullet somewhere.  So if politicians with hollow prayers aren't going to protect you, keep up your guard.
          And where are all of these 2nd amendment gun-toting heroes protecting everyone when the psychopaths break loose?  And the media... spreading the killers' faces and giving them the fame they desired- they should lay lower on the pictures.
         I feel more unsafe walking the streets in the USA than most any other country.
         This is a recent chart just drawing you a picture plain as day.
         This surely isn't what I felt like blogging about but when I checked the news and scrolled the feeds the whole world is just absorbed in this, so I didn't feel like going on about something else and changing the subject.
        Surely, there is something to do.  There's ALWAYS something to do or say: whether it's effective or not.  It's more than doing nothing, though.  This country should probably take a clue from Australia.
        And in other breaking news, RIP Tom Petty.  I'm not claiming I grew up with his albums in my collection but I always thought he was cool and, yes, I was prompted to jam him tonight on the occasion of his passing.  So many classics, really, and I bet I will be exploring it more, even if it took me til now.  I don't think any musician is going to object to you playing their songs through the air on the day they go.  We all want that, eventually.
        Below is a petition, whatever it can do, and now I will leave this blog silent until next week...
