Sigh. It's a challenge to maintain a regular blog. Not sure if I really have it in me.
There's simply too much I'm doing all at once. Too much going on and not enough
going on- which I have already said, but true. I need a workshop of Me's. There's
always the option to just drop all plans and go sit by the river and whistle and whiddle a
stick and twiddle thumbs and pleasantly drink in the flowing sights and not give too much
of a darn- just simple survival and knowing when and how to laugh about it all.
Here is a link to a writing piece, Dogs of Kathmandu, published the other day in the winter issue of the L.A.- based literary journal, the Writing Disorder. Have a looksy.
Happy New Year, Of Course
There's simply too much I'm doing all at once. Too much going on and not enough
going on- which I have already said, but true. I need a workshop of Me's. There's
always the option to just drop all plans and go sit by the river and whistle and whiddle a
stick and twiddle thumbs and pleasantly drink in the flowing sights and not give too much
of a darn- just simple survival and knowing when and how to laugh about it all.
Here is a link to a writing piece, Dogs of Kathmandu, published the other day in the winter issue of the L.A.- based literary journal, the Writing Disorder. Have a looksy.
Happy New Year, Of Course
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