Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Movie Update

I'll toss out two of these in one day since I've been gone from here for a month.

Regarding the movie production as of late, as of last night, there is NOW a "director's cut."  It's nearly 3 hours long complete with credits.  I haven't even watched it yet.  There might be an extra part I will add to it (which will only take a second to add to the edit), provided Bill will shoot it and send it to me.  We made a green screen (green bed sheet in his music store). 

There may be an abridged version for the short attention span of the masses, might shave off about 30 minutes or so, we'll see.  This still isn't even the whole story.  There's another one to make in order for the whole thing to be told.

There's always a disparity between filmmaker me and writer me.  Sounds about right.

Last month, there was a test screening of a rough version at Flags, the English Pub in Mianyang. I raced the clock to have it ready and at the 90 minute mark it went to "INTERMISSION."  But it was a long intermission, I said, because that was it for a few months.  There were no credits.  I thought about releasing that version first, no credits, just an indefinite intermission.

It made me think of Whitman's Leaves of Grass, how the original edition only contained a picture of him with no mention of his name.  There were only a ltd. amount of printings, which he self-published, but still, it found its way into reviews of prestigious publications and baffled people.  He continued to rework that and build onto it for the next 40 years until it was a bulky work, eventually putting his name on it. I like that story.

Below is a trailer with some color treatment.  I'm still figuring out how to present it, but I will try to screen it somewhere with a private link to online friends.

Merry Xmas,


FCT Trailer 2 from Red Carpet Walkin' Co. on Vimeo.

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