Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Somehow, This Happened:

A serendipitous day.  On a whim, with the common aphorism about insanity in mind, about,"Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result," there was no reason for something to work that never had before, but it was for some reason attempted again, and it was successful.  This is in regards to a PC-partitioned external hard drive cooperating fully with a Mac, which it did.  It could both export and import, and this was a pleasant surprise. There must have been some application discreetly installed that also happened to facilitate this.
          Then, a helpful fellow from Ireland immediately showed up at the perfect time (when another issue of compatibility had presented itself, and the next step remained to be seen) to offer technical assistance with a much-needed program that is not in the hands of every ordinary layman.

          The official terminology of this is a teaser. Here is Teaser # 2:


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