The 1st Gardes movie is now finally available as a DVD for worldwide order! Just click on the cover above or right here and it'll take you through the process to have one delivered to your front door... This should also be available for rent through your online screen at Amazon very soon.
Or, if you just visit the music store at you can order it there. We have new physical compact discs available for the first time in a long while of the following titles- Legends Of Voddville, O My Garde!, Regardeless 1 and Dos and a brand new, first-time printing of Regardeless the Third. Don't forget the new album, too, Make Out The Sound. All of these are available here.
We look forward to making our first vinyl record as one of our next projects. Stay tuned, there will be a new digital and physical album compilation coming from lo-fi, bedroom feedback folk/rocker, Sad Sad Bicycle.