Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New movie released-

The Gardes present: ? the movie: Only An Impression vol. 2

A musical mystery directed by Alexander Anonymous- a P.I. who calls himself Bob Dean is hired to find out who is behind the spray-painted question marks and other graffiti around the city and soon finds himself on a hunt to find out about the elusive Frank Lava, questioning his existence and discovering the self-portrait of Frank Lava, hot on the trail of the Gardes. Featuring Bubba Keltch as Bob Dean and starring Brett Horton, Aaron Siemers, Tanner Blair, Victoria & Ola Orlowski, Cate Kelly, Andy Smith, Aaron Frisby, Josh Coombs, Danny Edwards, Joel Hibbs, Joshua Smith, Shaun Buller, Jarrod Chisum, Brad Hayes, Brian Hopkins, Justin Castro and maybe even you!

songs by Horton and/or Siemers and friends AKA the gardes
also music by Django Reinhardt
courtesy of JSP Records

Finally, this movie is out of the hatch, battle scars and all, and it is also available through Amazon as a hard copy DVD. It is also available as a download-to-rent or download-to-own via Amazon Video on Demand.  One questionable thing about this film is that if you type in "? the movie" in search engines, it won't show up, as in Amazon... so you need to type in "Only An Impression vol. 2" and there you will find it.  Just as "The Gardes" doesn't show up in the search engine of Youtube.  But one thing all of these silly gooses running around chasing fame seem to forget is that being invisible certainly does have its advantages at times.  Just ask Harry Potter.

And another thing to keep in mind is that it's best to listen to it LOUD, like being at the IMAX, for being a low budget film as it is, there are a few actors who mumble a line from time to time, and it may be a bit integral to whatever plot is transpiring.  Sure, if it was given the Hollywood treatment, it could be polished a bit, perhaps with a touch of ADR (Audio Dialogue Replacement) here and there, and in certain parts, this was intended to be, yet there was a jam with the digital file.  Maybe we'll re-release it sometime and correct the few mutterings, but when we test-screened it in a movie theatre, everything was quite alright.  Enjoy!

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